Cov khoom

  • Factory Direct Muag Kub U Sheet Piling Sheet Piling for Retaining Wall

    Factory Direct Muag Kub U Sheet Piling Sheet Piling for Retaining Wall

    Seel pawgyog ib qho tshiab, kev lag luam thiab ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg lub hauv paus tsim cov khoom siv, uas yog siv dav hauv kev txhawb nqa thiab ntim ntawm ntau lub hauv paus tej yaam num. Nws muaj zog load-bearing muaj peev xwm thiab zoo seismic tsis kam, uas yuav ua tau zoo txhim kho stability thiab kev ruaj ntseg ntawm lub hauv paus tej yaam num. Nws kuj muaj qhov zoo ntawm cov duab sib txawv, kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig, txuag hluav taws xob, thiab kev tsim kho yooj yim.

  • Sy295 JIS Txheem Kub U Steel Sheet Pile 400X170X16mm

    Sy295 JIS Txheem Kub U Steel Sheet Pile 400X170X16mm

    Kub dov steel phaj pawg: Qhov ntev yog feem ntau txwv, feem ntau yog 9 meters, 12 meters, 15 meters, 18 meters, 400 dav, 600 dav feem ntau, thiab lwm yam dav yog tsawg. Tsuas yog Luxembourg steel ntawv pawg muaj ntau qhov dav dav. Tam sim no, nws tsuas yog siv hauv cofferdams nrog ntau qhov haujlwm ib ntus thiab cov dej sib sib zog nqus, nrog rau cov haujlwm tshwj xeeb ruaj khov. Qhov dej-tawm cov nyhuv feem ntau zoo dua li qhov txias txias. Lub khw muag khoom loj dua thiab nrhiav tau yooj yim dua. Tus nqi tam sim no yog me ntsis siab dua qhov txias khoov.

  • High-Strength U-Shape Steel Sheet Pile rau cov qauv ru tsev & Platform

    High-Strength U-Shape Steel Sheet Pile rau cov qauv ru tsev & Platform

    Raws li cov duab sib dhos thiab kev siv cov ntawv hlau, lawv feem ntau muab faib ua U-puab, Z-puab thiab W-shaped.steel ntawv piles.Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, raws li phab ntsa thickness, lawv tau muab faib ua lub teeb txias-tsim steel ntawv pawg thiab zoo tib yam txias-tsim steel ntawv pawg. Phab ntsa thickness ntawm 4 ~ 7 hli yog lub teeb steel ntawv pawg, thiab phab ntsa thickness ntawm 8 ~ 12 hli yog zoo tib yam steel ntawv pawg. Larsen U-shaped tom pawg steel ntawv pawg yog siv thoob plaws Asia, suav nrog Tuam Tshoj.

  • Cold U Sheet Piling of Waterstop/Revetment Structure of Roads and Choj

    Cold U Sheet Piling of Waterstop/Revetment Structure of Roads and Choj

    Steel ntawv pawg yog ib hom tshiab ntawm kev txuag dej siv cov khoom siv. Txawm hais tias nws tuaj yeem ua tau raws li qhov xav tau zoo thaum siv, nws tseem xav tau kev txhim kho txuas ntxiv. Tsuas yog nyob rau hauv txoj kev no peb tuaj yeem xyuas kom meej tias nws cov nyhuv siv tau zoo heev thiab nws yuav tsis raug puas tsuaj thaum siv. Thaum muas los yog leasing, koj yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo saib xyuas nws qhov zoo thiab ua kom nws txoj kev nyab xeeb ntawm kev tsim kho.

  • Factory Supply Kub U Sheet Piling Prices Sheet Piles of for Construction

    Factory Supply Kub U Sheet Piling Prices Sheet Piles of for Construction

    Steel ncej pawgmuaj lub zog siab thiab yooj yim tsav mus rau hauv cov av tawv; lawv tuaj yeem tsim tau hauv dej tob thiab tuaj yeem tsim rau hauv lub tawb los ntawm kev ntxiv cov kab pheeb ces kaum yog tias tsim nyog. Nws muaj kev ua tau zoo waterproof; nws tuaj yeem tsim cofferdams ntawm ntau yam duab raws li xav tau thiab tuaj yeem rov siv tau ntau zaus, yog li nws muaj ntau yam kev siv.

  • Kub U Steel Sheet Pile Supply Steel Sheet Pile Nqe

    Kub U Steel Sheet Pile Supply Steel Sheet Pile Nqe

    Daim ntawv thov ntau yam ntawm steel ntawv pawg yog dav heev, thiab tag nrho kev tsim kho kev lag luam koom nrog rau nws siv. Cov ntaub ntawv hlau tau siv dav hauv txhua yam los ntawm cov cuab yeej siv thev naus laus zis tshaj plaws rau cov phiaj xwm kev txuag dej, mus rau kev tsim cov lem hauv kev lag luam tsheb thauj mus los, thiab tswj kev ua qias tuaj ib puag ncig. Thaum tib neeg xaiv cov khoom siv hauv tsev, cov qauv tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas lawv tau saib xyuas yog qhov zoo li, kev ua haujlwm thiab cov txiaj ntsig ntawm cov khoom siv hauv tsev lawv tus kheej. Cov txheej txheem peb-point txheem steel ntawv pawg tau hais los saum toj no tsis muaj, uas ua rau txoj kev loj hlob zeem muag ntawm steel ntawv pawg hauv kev tsim kho kev lag luam ci.

  • Tuam Tshoj Hoobkas Steel Sheet Pile / Sheet Piling / Sheet Pile

    Tuam Tshoj Hoobkas Steel Sheet Pile / Sheet Piling / Sheet Pile

    Raws li cov duab ntoo khaub lig thiab siv cov ntawv hlau, lawv feem ntau muab faib ua peb daim duab: U-puab, Z-puab, thiab W-shaped steel ntawv pawg. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, lawv tau muab faib ua lub teeb thiab zoo tib yam txias-tsim steel ntawv pawg raws li phab ntsa tuab. Lub teeb steel ntawv pawg muaj phab ntsa thickness ntawm 4 mus rau 7 hli, thiab zoo tib yam steel ntawv pawg muaj phab ntsa thickness ntawm 8 mus rau 12 hli. U-shaped interlocking Larson steel ntawv pawg feem ntau yog siv thoob plaws Asia, suav nrog Tuam Tshoj.

  • Kub Rolled Steel Profile Unistrut C Channel Steel Nqe

    Kub Rolled Steel Profile Unistrut C Channel Steel Nqe

    Hnub ciphotovoltaic bracketsyog tshwj xeeb brackets tsim los tso, nruab thiab kho lub hnub ci vaj huam sib luag nyob rau hauv lub hnub ci photovoltaic fais fab tuag systems. Cov ntaub ntawv muaj xws li aluminium alloy, carbon steel thiab stainless hlau.Cov qauv yog lub teeb hauv qhov hnyav. Piv nrog rau cov qauv pob zeb, uas yog qhov sib zog ntawm qhov hnyav, qhov txo qis ntawm cov qauv qhov hnyav txo qhov kev quab yuam sab hauv ntawm cov qauv tsim, uas tuaj yeem txo qhov kev xav tau ntawm kev kho cov qauv hauv tsev, yooj yim rau kev tsim kho, thiab txo tus nqi.

  • Q235B SS304 Unistrut Galvanized C Steel Strut Channe

    Q235B SS304 Unistrut Galvanized C Steel Strut Channe

    Photovoltaic bracketstseem hu ua hnub ci photovoltaic brackets. Hnub ci photovoltaic brackets yog tshwj xeeb brackets tsim los rau qhov chaw, nruab thiab kho lub hnub ci vaj huam sib luag nyob rau hauv lub hnub ci photovoltaic fais fab tiam systems.Kev siv c channel steel brackets tuaj yeem ua rau kom tau txais cheeb tsam ntawm lub hnub ci vaj huam sib luag thiab ua kom lub zog hloov dua siab tshiab, yog li ua kom lub zog loj. tsim ntawm c channel steel fais fab tuag system. Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum lub c channel steel bracket txais ib txoj kev taug qab, lub kaum sab xis ntawm lub hnub ci vaj huam sib luag tuaj yeem hloov kho raws li txoj haujlwm ntawm lub hnub, ua kom lub zog nqus ntawm lub hnub ci thiab ua kom muaj zog ntau dua.

  • 41X21mm Steel Unistrut C Channel Steel Post U Profile Steel

    41X21mm Steel Unistrut C Channel Steel Post U Profile Steel

    Photovoltaic bracketstseem hu ua hnub ci photovoltaic brackets. Hnub ci photovoltaic brackets yog tshwj xeeb brackets tsim los rau qhov chaw, nruab thiab kho lub hnub ci vaj huam sib luag nyob rau hauv lub hnub ci photovoltaic fais fab tiam systems Peb lub tuam txhab tau koom tes nyob rau hauv lub loj tshaj plaws hnub ci txoj kev loj hlob project nyob rau hauv South America, muab brackets thiab kev daws teeb meem tsim. Peb muab 15,000 tons ntawm photovoltaic brackets rau qhov project no. Lub photovoltaic brackets tau txais kev siv thev naus laus zis hauv tsev los pab txhim kho kev lag luam photovoltaic hauv South America thiab txhim kho cov neeg nyob hauv zos. Lub neej. Txoj haujlwm txhawb nqa photovoltaic suav nrog lub chaw nres tsheb hluav taws xob photovoltaic nrog lub peev xwm ntawm kwv yees li 6MW thiab lub roj teeb lub zog cia lub zog ntawm 5MW / 2.5h. Nws tuaj yeem tsim tau kwv yees li 1,200 kilowatt teev hauv ib xyoos. Lub kaw lus muaj peev xwm hloov pauv photoelectric zoo.

  • Factory Direct Supply Slotted Galvanized Strut Channel Steel Unistrut HDG Gi Strut C Channel Steel

    Factory Direct Supply Slotted Galvanized Strut Channel Steel Unistrut HDG Gi Strut C Channel Steel

    Thaum tsevphotovoltaic systemsNyob rau hauv cov cheeb tsam ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv, tag nrho cov txheej txheem yuav tsum tau ua los ntawm galvanized steel los yog txhuas, vim cov ntaub ntawv no heev resistant rau corrosion. Ntawm lawv, aluminium alloy brackets tau dhau los ua ib qho ntawm cov khoom nrov hauv kev lag luam photovoltaic bracket vim lawv lub teeb yuag, corrosion kuj, thiab yooj yim installation.

  • Hlau Channel Loj 150X90 35355 Galvanized Steel Furring Channel 41X41 Unistrut Channel Steel

    Hlau Channel Loj 150X90 35355 Galvanized Steel Furring Channel 41X41 Unistrut Channel Steel

    Suspension bracket: Hom bracket no tshem tawm cov hnub ci vaj huam sib luag ntawm cov hlua hlau lossis cov hlua khi siab saum ntuj kom pom lub hnub ci kom pom tseeb. Ncua tsegphotovoltaic bracketsyog tsim rau cov chaw hauv nroog xws li cov tsev hauv nroog thiab cov choj, nrog rau cov phab ntsa sab nrauv ntawm cov tsev, platforms thiab lwm qhov chaw. Lawv tuaj yeem dai cov hnub ci photovoltaic modules rau ntawm phab ntsa sab nrauv ntawm cov tsev yam tsis muaj chaw nyob hauv av.